
Interior Designing Trends Using Wood

Before we start on today's blog as to the interior designing trends using wood, it is pertinent to start first with the idea why wood is such a good material for interior design

Wood is a good material for interior design because of the

  • Wide variety of choice and finish
  • Excellent strength to weight ratio
  • Cost effective and ‘green’ alternative to other solutions
  • Wood is a sustainable and renewable resource
  • Wood has excellent thermal insulation and acoustic properties
  • Wood is biodegradable and a sustainable resource

Wood has timeless visual and aesthetic appeal. So much so that irrespective of where in the world and what climate it is, wood is fast catching up as an interior design solution and not just for furniture alone. Areas where wood is used in interior design

  1. Statement walls and panels
    Statement walls and panels help give a distinct feel and personality to the room. Strong in character and bold in outlook wood gives the right mix of the vintage and modern, form and function
  2. Wooden partitions
    Since Mughal times, decorated wooden partitions have lent an aura of charm to the living space. Perfect in function, yet light enough to be carried around, wooden partitions can lend charm to your privacy requirements.
  3. Wainscoting
    Want to give your room that extra dimension of space and enhancement? Wainscoting is the key and the solution!
  4. Ceilings
    StatementYes, ceilings. It is not a type here. Using wood in ceilings kindles the curiosity of the viewers and adds architectural interest to the room.
  5. Furniture
    Stylish, contemporary, classic or antique, wooden furniture has had an unmatched charm on human perception and delivered a superb feel of relaxation, contentment and comfort.
  6. Wooden cupboards, cabinets and almairahs
    Remember the antique rosewood almairah from grandmother's times? It is just one of the classic examples of how the use of wood has evolved over the ages. Durable, resistant to hits and weather proof, wood is the perfect accompaniment to the symphony of interior design.
  7. Doors
    Doors do play a significant role in interior design. Elegance is often understated, but their contribution plays a major role in overall aesthetics. Sliding doors or hinged doors, they can be beautifully decorated and carved to suit the mood and tempo you set.
  8. Use of reclaimed wood
    Aged wood (often reclaimed) has its own charm and can be utilized in an alluring fashion. Weather wood can be polished or can just be used as is to deliver a rustic and vintage feel. Whatever be the time or place, the definition of character is assured!
  9. Geometrics, shapes and patterns
    With the advent of CNC, wood working has become a tad easier. Geometric shapes, motifs and many more can be easily designed and implemented to complement your vision of the perfect living space
    As with all good things, while ideas are plenty, it takes intent and expertise to translate the vision to exact reality. Hence, qualified and skilled personnel are the key to help the owner of any space achieve the full potential using wood.
    As a company with over 2 decades of experience in timber trading in Chennai and wood working, we bring excellence to every step, right from sourcing to planning and implementation. Want more ideas or have something new to share? Contact us now!
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