
Why Wood?

It is a common question that why should wood be used for engineering or construction when superior materials are available. Is wood that really long lasting or do timber traders just talk to ‘sell’ their product?

While timber import, timber trade and supply are industry verticals in themselves, the fundamental question of why the industry exists in the first place will address the broader issue of the benefits of using wood.

Since early times, woodworking, carpentry, furniture design (and the modern twist of interior design) has largely revolved around the use of timber. Be it hardwood or softwood, each has found a specific place and application. Recorded history speaks volumes of timber merchants playing a key role in trade and of the vibrant exchange of ideas and various varieties of wood between various parts of the world.

In a more contemporary scenario, the major benefits of using wood are listed below

  1. Wood is an environmentally friendly material

    Wood being a natural material, is environmentally friendly. The production and processing of wood are relatively easy and the energy used in these associated processes is very less. Wood is easy to secure, dispose of and recycle, thereby completing the full production and life cycle of a product. Thus a significantly low carbon footprint is achieved.
    Trees absorb carbon-di-oxide and the carbon is stored up in the wood. About 50% of the weight of wood is carbon. This means that carbon from the atmosphere is ‘locked’ into wood for its life.

  2. Wood is a great material for…almost everything!

    Wood has excellent acoustic properties. This has lead to wood being used for speakers and theatres, operas and other places where the aural experience is a prime concern.Many musical instruments are also made using wood and this speaks volumes about how versatile wood has been when it comes to use in acoustics.
    Wood acts as a natural humidity regulator. It absorbs humidity in damp conditions and releases the same when hot.Wood is simple and easy to work with and easy to maintain. Wood also has excellent insulation properties and it is quite common in cold climes for wooden flooring to be used.

  3. Wood provides physiological comfort, health and well-being

    The look, feel and touch of wood has always had a positive impact on human physiology. It has been proved to increase interaction amongst people, reduce stress and provide a sense of relaxation and peace.

  4. Responsibly sourced wood is a renewable resource

    While deforestation and a host of negative press is generally attributed to the lumber industry, it is no secret that they are also actively fighting against such activities. This is simply because the very industry depends on timber for survival. A number of initiatives have been taken to make forests renewable and wood sourced from these forests and ‘managed’ plantations is a renewable resource. Sustainable management has been practiced for centuries and realizing its importance and contribution, it is fast catching up in other parts of the world.

  5. Choice, Budget and Durability

    Wood is an excellent material when it considering the strength to weight ratio. Further, whatever be the budget, there is some wood available. This means variety not only according to the purpose but also according to the wallet!
    Wood is extremely durable and modern treatment methods and preservatives enhance this durability.

    Kasturi timbers is a leading timber merchant in Chennai offering all varieties of hard and soft wood, including teak, Padauk etc. We offer end-to-end solutions including boards, timber, veneer and beading. The company takes pride in responsible sourcing and service excellence. For more details, contact us
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